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Meet Our Pastors
When I think of the people of Maine Presbyterian Church, this verse comes to mind from Philippians 1:3-5: “I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying for all of you, because of your sharing in the Gospel from the first day until now.”
Dear Friends,
As I anticipated my most recent retirement, I decided to return to my favorite place in the whole world, Ottertail County. So I came back in 2021 Growing up in far western lowa, I appreciated the natural beauty of the rolling Loess Hil. Both of my parents had been raised on farms in Harrison County. The first three of us (all boys) were born in Logan, lowa while we were still out on the farm. Our four sisters were all born in in Council Bluffs, lowa. Dad had gone back to school so that he could be a teacher and eventually an elementary principal. I followed in his footsteps, becoming an elementary teacher and high school coach.
Mom and Dad, all six of my siblings and I have always been active church leaders. As a young teach-er and coach I was also a Sunday School teacher and Youth Leader. While in my 30's and 40's, I continued in my church roles, but migrated from teaching to insurance with the lowa Farm Bureau companies. Istarted as an agent and soon was invited to become an agent manager. Eventually moving into the home office, I became the Education Services Vice President. While helping one of my youth move off to college, she introduced me to her new roommate as her Youth Pastor. I told them, "Oh no, l'm just your Youth Leader."" By the time I got back home that evening, -began to realize that she was probably right. It was time to go back to school and follow God's call.
I was in to my 50's by the time I was awarded the Master of Divinity at Drew Theological School. Ordination followed and I served Methodist and Presbyterian churches in New York and lowa until I retired With a background in Education, Marketing, Leadership Development, and training for New Minis-try Development, I have always been interested in missions and church revitalization. It is exciting to be part of the "Jesus Revolution" that is emerging in our beautiful Ottertall County!
Pick up your walking stick, let's walk this way togetherl
Pastor Bob
As I anticipated my most recent retirement, I decided to return to my favorite place in the whole world, Ottertail County. So I came back in 2021 Growing up in far western lowa, I appreciated the natural beauty of the rolling Loess Hil. Both of my parents had been raised on farms in Harrison County. The first three of us (all boys) were born in Logan, lowa while we were still out on the farm. Our four sisters were all born in in Council Bluffs, lowa. Dad had gone back to school so that he could be a teacher and eventually an elementary principal. I followed in his footsteps, becoming an elementary teacher and high school coach.
Mom and Dad, all six of my siblings and I have always been active church leaders. As a young teach-er and coach I was also a Sunday School teacher and Youth Leader. While in my 30's and 40's, I continued in my church roles, but migrated from teaching to insurance with the lowa Farm Bureau companies. Istarted as an agent and soon was invited to become an agent manager. Eventually moving into the home office, I became the Education Services Vice President. While helping one of my youth move off to college, she introduced me to her new roommate as her Youth Pastor. I told them, "Oh no, l'm just your Youth Leader."" By the time I got back home that evening, -began to realize that she was probably right. It was time to go back to school and follow God's call.
I was in to my 50's by the time I was awarded the Master of Divinity at Drew Theological School. Ordination followed and I served Methodist and Presbyterian churches in New York and lowa until I retired With a background in Education, Marketing, Leadership Development, and training for New Minis-try Development, I have always been interested in missions and church revitalization. It is exciting to be part of the "Jesus Revolution" that is emerging in our beautiful Ottertall County!
Pick up your walking stick, let's walk this way togetherl
Pastor Bob